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Play Standard Wooden Preschool Children For Kids Role Play Toys

Our Role Play House is a perfect place to integrate interactive social activities, cultivate social knowledge, life skills, and endless fun. Here, you can create lasting memories with your family, start today!
  • PS-TZ0021

  • Play Standard

  • PS-TZ0021

Play Standard Wooden Preschool Children For Kids Role Play Toys

Our Role Play House is a perfect place to integrate interactive social activities, cultivate social knowledge, life skills, and endless fun. Here, you can create lasting memories with your family, start today!

Rope Play-1

In this fun and creative environment, children can freely explore various roles and situations, cultivating their imagination and creativity. By simulating various scenes in daily life, children can learn social skills and improve problem-solving skills through practice, while also cultivating their independent thinking ability and teamwork spirit.

Rope Play-3

Our Role Play House offers a variety of activities, including role-playing, stores, restaurants, hospitals, and more. Children can play various roles in these activities, experience different professions and lifestyles, and better understand various aspects of society and life.

In this safe, comfortable, and fun filled environment, children can interact, learn, and grow together with their peers. Our professional mentors will provide necessary support and guidance to children, helping them build confidence and improve skills, while also allowing them to feel unlimited fun and sense of achievement.

Rope Play-4

Advantage for item:

1.Attractive appearance.

2.High quality.

3.Competitive price.

4.It can help kids to learn more about the house sturcture and furniture sets.

5.Designed with international standards such as the new CPSIA, EN,ASTM,etc.


DIY installation just follow the construction chart. Very easy and convenient.


Public place such as amusement parks ,children's park ,kindergarten ,residential quarter etc.

Professional indoor playground equipment manufacturer




   Jiangning district, Nanjing,
Jiangsu, China.
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